The 3rd dimension

Web Chat Lingo


Have you ever been talking with your friends on IM or in a chat room and a jumble of symbls and letters pops up. By now you have no idea what they mean! Well, here's the solution to your problems! I have more, just give me some time to finish typeing them all out. [Thanx Tenshi for the book of this stuff]----oni-chan

Web Chat Lingo!!!
:-: alien
:!/ all mixed up
o:-) angel
>>:<< anger
(:-l angry
l-l asleep
:=l baboon
~:o baby
&&:-( bad hair day
(:-) bald head
[:::[]:::] band aid
:-$ banker
>^..^< bat
>^oo^< big eyed cat
8~) big eyes
:=) big nose
l-o big yawn
8-) binoculars
~=== birthday
[:D blabber mouth
!-( black eye
:-{} blow a kiss
:-( boo hoo
l-o bored
:-)x bow tie
*:o) bozo
:-# braces
}(:^( broken nose
:-c bummed out
=:~> bunny
:-} burp
:-#l bushy mustache
})i({ butterfly
(=^;^=) cat
:-~) caught a cold
c=:-) chef
) chesire cat
*:o) clown
:*) clowning
:-) comedy
{:-) confident
:~/ confused
8-) cool
3:-o cow
<):o) cowboy
#:-) crewcut
~(:o cry baby
:`-( crying
`?-) curious
&:-) curly hair
o-) cyclops
:-9 delicious
:-[ depressed
]:-> devil
:-i disgusted
o-) diver
!^_^! dog
:`-( don't cry
?_? Doubtful
:-( drama
:-(` drooling
:> duck
<:-( dunce
:-* eating something sour
(:l egg head
:o} embarrased
l_l empty glass
:-6 exhausted
:-(*) feeling sick
>}}}`> fish
`''() fish lips
@}------ flower
:-H football player
8-o frightened
8) frog
:-l frown:-( frowning
l-l full glass
~~:-( fumeing mad
8-) glasses
:-)= goatee
:o) goofy
%-) google-eyed
8:} gorilla
Q:-) graduate
!:-) great idea
$-) greedy
(-( grumpy
`:-l guilty
{:-) hair parted in the middle
o:-) halo
:-D happiness
:-) happy
:(:)) happy pig
:-% has beard
{:-) headphones
(:) heart
l-) hee hee
^5 high five
(:o ho ho ho
:>( ho hummmm
=:-) horsehead
((name)) hug
xoxo hugs and kisses
[-] hurt
o>> ice cream cone
:-] indifferent
8 infinity
:-x is cross
:*) joking
:-> joyful
[abc] keyboard
:*= kiss
:-* kissing
%-(o) laughing
>:-> leering
>>:-} leery
(-: left handed
:-9 lick your lips
%-] loaded
o---- lollipop
}:-( lonely
%={ lost for words
<~~~~ lost
$$:-) lottery winner
>:-< mad
>:o() mad but smileing
3:[ mean pet
#:-) messy hair
8(:-) mickey mouse
:~/ mixed up
~~:-) mohawk
$$ money
[!] monitor
(_) 3 mug/cup
:) mutant smile
(-) needs a haircut
%-6 no brainer
:-l no clue
:~) no explination
:- no feelings
-$ no money
:-o no yelling
:/) not funny
:o[ not impressed
+:-) nurse
#:-o oh! no!
:~l oops
%=) ouch!
#-) partied all night
~ }{-l perplexed
(`@`) pig
:---- pinnochio
P-) pirate
**** popcorn
:-/ popeye
})-( pouting
&&&&& pretzels
(o>- :-< real sad
:-$$$ rich
;-) right eye closed
[:] robot
:-( sad
:-y sad grin
:(:)( sad pig
;') sad with a smile
*l:-) santa
:-l say nothing
`:-@ screaming
..._(:)-o scuba diver
(-_-) secret smile
:-x secretive
(*-*) see nothing
l--l senseless
:`-( shed a tear
:-o shocked
;-o shy smirk
:o) sick
<-o} silly
:-o singer
:-O singing
;-/ skeptical
:-)~~~~ skinny
:-zzz sleeping
:-s sleepy
:o) smileing
<:-) smileing witch
:-, smirk
:-} smug
;-} sneeze
^..... snoring
...---... sos
:-v speaking
:-^ stop
:-T streight face
:-l stubborn
8-l stumped
8-} sunglasses
8-o suprised
:] talk to me
%~) talked all night
:-0 talking
:`-( tearful
:`) tears of joy
X~~~~~~ telephone
:-)''' tends to drool
?:-l thinking
^ thumbs up
:-T tight lipped
:-& tongue tied
<:>== turkey
:-):-) twins
:_/ undecided
:D unhappiness
:( unhappy
:-? unsure
l-) user is bored
[:l] user is a robot
:_[ vampire
>:-( very angry
>;-< very grim
:C very sad
~=lxl=~ wants a hug
:-[] wears lipstick
:-)8 well dressed
O:-) who me?
>;-> wicked grin
8-} wide eyed
{:-) wink
;-) winking smiley
*<=l:- wizard
:v woodpecker
/:-( worried
,-} wry
:-() yawn
:O yellong
:-P yummy
:-$ yuppie
*G* grin
*H* hug
*K* kiss
*L* laugh
*S* smile
*T* tickle
*W* wink
*S* sigh
2U2 to you, too
AAMOF as a matter of fact
AFAIC as far as i'm concerned
ASAICS as far as i can see
AFAICT as far as i can tell
AFAIK as far as i know
AFK away from keyboard
AKA also known as
ASAP as soon as possible
AYPI? and your point is?
BAK back at keyboard
BBL be back latter
BBL8R be back later
BBN bye bye now
BBS be back soon
BEG big evil grin
BF boyfriend
BFN bye for now
BG big grin
BION believe it or not
BITMT but in the meantime
BOAF birds of a feather
BOT back on topic
BP big problem
BRB be right back
BRGDS best regards
BT big trouble
BTDT been there done that
BTW by the way
C&G chuckle and grin
CID crying in disgrace
CONTD continued
COTI crying on the inside
CRBT crying real big tears
CSG chuckle sinister grin
CU see you
CUL see you later
CUS see you soon
CYA see ya
CYAL8R see ya later
DILLIC do i look like i care?
DIY do it yourself
DOA dead on arrival
EG evil grin
EME email me
EMMSG email message
EMU email you
EOD end of disscussion
EOT end of transmission
F2F face to face
FAX facsimile message
FBOW for better or for worse
FC fingers crossed
FOAF friend of a friend
FWIW for what it's worth
FYA for your ammusement
FYI for your information
G2CU good to see you
GABI grin and bear it
GF girlfriend
GFN gone for now
GN goodnight
GTG got to go
GTSY good to see you
H&K hug and kiss
H hello/ hug
HAG1 have a good one
HAGD have a good day
HAGN have a good night
HAGT have a good time
HAHA haveing a heart attack
HAND have a nice day
HIT hanging in there
HTH hope this helps
IAC in amy case
IAE in any event
IANAL i am not a lawyer
IC i see
IDGI i don't get it
IDK don't know
ILY i love you
ILYF i'll love you forever
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IMOO in my opinion only
IOW in other words
IP information please
IP internet provider
IRL in real life
IS internet server
ITL i totally agree
IWALYi will always love you
JIC just in case
JJ just joking
JK just kidding
JMO just in my opinion
JTLYK just to let you know
KIS keep it simple
KIT keep in touch
L8R G7R lator gator
L8R later
LMHO laughing my head off
LMSO laughing my socks off
LOL laughing out loud
LOTI laughing on the inside
LTS laughing to self
LTNS long time no see
LU love you
LY love ya
MP moment please
MTCW my two cents worth
MYOB mind your own bussiness
NAT not a thing
NC no comment
NOTMA no one tells me anything
NOYB none of your bussiness
NP no problem
NRN no reply necessary
NTA non-technical acronym
OBTW oh by the way
OHDH old habits die hard
OIC oh, i see
ONNA oh no not again!
OAO over and out
OP operation
OTOH on the other hand
OTTOMH off the top of my head
PDS please don't shout
PLS please
PM private message
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in
POAHF put on a happy face
POV point of view
PPL people
PS post script
PTMM please tell me more
QT cutie
R&R rest and relaxation
RL real life
RSI repetitive stress injury
RSN real soon now
RSVP please respond
RTF read the facts
RTM read the manual
SETE smileing ear to ear
SITD still in the dark
SN situation normal
SOH sense of humor
SOT short of time
SOM short on money
STBY stand by
SWAK sealed with a kiss
SYS see you soon
TA try again
TBC to be continued
TC take care
TMP temperature
TGIF thank god it's friday
THX thanks
TIA thanks in advance
TILII tell it like it is
TLC tender loveing care
TMI to much info
TMK to my knowlege
TNFL there's no free lunch
TNPK turnpike
TNT till next time
TOA time of arival
TOMP tears on my pillow
TOY thinking of you
TP telepathy
TPK turnpike
TPTB the powers that be
TPS troops
TRAD tradition
TRAV traveling
TSE tell someone else
TTFN ta ta for now
TTYL talk to you later
TWIC to whom it concerns
TWMA till we meet again
TY thank you
TYVM thank you very much
VBG very big grin
VL virtual life
VP vice president
WB welcome back
WH welcome home
WDG wording
WHS warehouse
WIBL wouldn't it be lovely
WRT with respect to
WTG way to go
WTII what time is it
YB year book
YBS you'll be sorry
YG young
YMMD you made my day
YW you're welcome
XF extra fine
XING crossing
ZF zero frequency

Kick ass...