


This page is dedecated to the shockabuku triumverant. Yes, there are more than three stars of destiny (writers) but it never would have been started had it not been for the group efforts of we three.


I was looking through anime pictures when I came upon this little character named Allecto. She looked so much like myself I kept her for just such a happenstance as this. I am the creator of Kitty, the fiesty often confusing brunette of shockabuku. I started her for a show called seaQuest which was, and sometimes still is, on the sci-fi channel. In the beginning I never thought she would make it this far. It's been almost two years now, and I still like to think of Kitty as a live person. Perhapes in some reality, she is.

The cabbit from Tenchi-Muyo.
Nova: This is my cyberpet. Say hi Ryo-Ohki!
Ryo: MEOW!


Mr. Puff


Yup this is me...or as close as i can find. I'm the creator of Simoriah Madoc, the psychotic(but a bit funny) killer in shock. I created her for the popular anime show Dragonball Z, much like Auracat created Kitty for seaquest. I first began to love DBZ when i was home sick from school one day and saw the movie "Dead Zone" I never dreamed that we would one day have this community of web sites and so many stories!!!! Wow. Sim is a huge part of my life now, there's no denying THAT. I get really wraped up in her. Sometimes I even become her. Like this one time I stood up and was about to show Auracat how I could go supersaiya-jin when I realized...I'm human. Ain't that a kick in the head?

This is P-chan, my web coompanion! He's a little black pig i originally got off of Ranma 1/2. Sim once had a pet p-chan but sadly he was made into porkrinds in a freak accident. So when we started the first shock web site i decided to revive him.

Tenshi:*loudly* Tenshi fu! Comee to the side of GOODNESS!!
Oni:*louder* Oni-chan Fu! Come to the side thatROCKS!
auracat:*to herself* novaura-fu, never pick sides.